ACKNOWLEDGMENTS THE compiler wishes to acknowledge his indebted- ness to the following for permission to reprint the copyright poems included in this volume: Mr. Stephen Vincent Benet and Messrs* Doubleday, Doran & Co. for " Portrait of a Boy " from Toung Adventure; Mr. Edmund Blunden and Messrs. Sidgwict & Jackson, Ltd., for " The Pike " from The Waggoner; the Literary Executor and Messrs. Sidgwick & Jack- son, Ltd,, for "The Dead," by Rupert Brooke; Messrs. Chatto & Windus for " The Vagabond " and " Romance," by Robert Louis Stevenson; Mr. G* K. Chesterton and Messrs. J. M. Dent & Sons, Ltd., for " The Donkey " ; the Clarendon Press for " A Passer-by" from The Poetical Works of Robert Bridges; Mr. Walter de la Mare for " Tit for Tat" and " I met at Eve " ; the authors Executors and Messrs. Martin Seeker, Ltd., for " The Old Ships" from Collected Poems, by James Elrpy Flecker ; Mr. W. W. Gibson for " Prometheus " from Collected Poem 1905-1925; Captain Harry Graham and Messrs. Edward Arnold & Co., Ltd., for "Waste55 from Ruthless Rhymes; Messrs. William Heinemann, Ltd,, for " Itylus," by Algernon Charles Swinburne ;. Mr. Ralph Hodgson for " Stupidity Street" from his Poems; the Owners of the Copyright for " Pied Beauty," by Gerard Manley Hopkins; Messrs. John Lane, The Bodley Head, Ltd., for "The Hawk," by A. C. Benson ; Mr. John Masefield for " Cargoes"