HERVE RIEL 'Neath rampired Solidor pleasant riding on the Ranee ! " How hope succeeds despair on each Captain's coun- tenance I Out burst all with one accord, " This is Paradise for Hell ! Let France, let France's King Thank the man that did the thing ! " What a shout, and all one word, " Herve Riel ! " As he stepped in front once more, Not a symptom of surprise 10 In the frank blue Breton eyes, Just the same man as before. Then said Damfreville, " My friend, I must speak out at the end, Though I find the speaking hard. Praise is deeper than the lips : You have saved the King his ships, You must name your own reward. 'Faith our sun was near eclipse ! Demand whate'er you will, 20 France remains your debtor still. Ask to heart's content and have ! or my name's not Damfreville." Then a beam of fun outbroke On the bearded mouth that spoke, As the honest heart laughed through Those frank eyes of Breton blue : " Since I needs must say my say, Since on board the duty's done. And from Malo Roads to Groisic Point, what is it but a run ?— Since 'tis ask and have, I may— 30 Since the others go ashore— 57