OLD AND NEW Pm sure my poor head aches again I've scratched it so, and all in vain. Oh for a trap, a trap, a trap ! " Just as he said this, what should hap At the chamber door but a gentle tap ? " Bless us," cried the Mayor, " what's that ? " (With the Corporation as he sat, Looking little though wondrous fat; Nor brighter was his eye, nor moister Than a too-long-opened oyster, 10 Save when at noon his paunch grew mutinous For a plate of turtle green and glutinous) " Only a scraping of shoes on the mat ? Anything like the sound of a rat • Makes my heart go pit-a-pat! " :c Come in ! "—the Mayor cried, looking bigger : \nd in did come the strangest figure ! His queer long coat from heel to head /Vas half of yellow and half of red ; Vnd he himself was tall and thin, 20^ Vith sharp blue eyes, each like a pin, ^nd light loose hair, yet swarthy skin, Jo tuft on cheek nor beard on chin, >ut lips where smiles went out and in— ""here was no guessing-his kith and kin ! jid nobody could enough admire 'he tall man and his quaint attire. Kioth one : " It's as my great grandsire, Parting up at the Trump of Doom's tone, ad walked this way from his painted tomb-stone ! " e advanced to the council-table : 31 id, " Please your honours," said he, " I'm able, r means of a secret charm, to draw All creatures living beneath the sun, That creep or swim or fly or run, 60