POEMS OLD AND NEW thousand : and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses. So Sennacherib king of Assyria departed, and went and returned, and dwelt at Nineveh."—2 Kings xviii. and xix. P. 35, 1. 5 Assyria : an ancient country in the valley of the river Tigris : now Iraq. 1. 6. Cohorts : regiments, troops. 1. 8. Deep Galilee : the Lake of Galilee, in Palestine. P. 36, 1. i. Ashur : one of the chief towns of Assyria, and on the river Tigris. 1. 2. Baal: a Phoenician god. 1. 3. Gentile : any one who was not a Jew. The Armada. P. 36, 1. r i. Castile : the more important half of Spain : here = Spain. Aurigny's Isle : a small island in the English Channel, just of? Gape de la Hogue : Alderney. 1. 16. Edgecumbe : a peak near Plymouth (facing Ply- mouth Hoe). P. 37, 1. 2. Halberdiers : soldiers armed with the halberd, —a long pole surmounted by an axe-head on one side and a hook on the other. 1. 3. Yeomen : freeholders, a grade below gentlemen. 1. 4. Her Grace : Queen Elizabeth. 1. 7. Lion : the emblem of England. 1. 8. Gay lilies : the emblem of France. On the English royal arms of that day the lilies of France still appeared in the quartering beneath the lion. 1. 9. That famed Picard field : Crecy (1346), in Picardy, where Edward III defeated the French king, Philip VI. 1. 10. Bohemia's plume : the King of Bohemia, fighting for France, was slain at Grecy. His triple feather crest, with the motto Ich dien, was adopted by the Black Prince, Edward's eldest son, who won his spurs in the battle. ^ Genoa9s bow: the Genoese archers on the French side at Grecy. Caesar's eagle shield: the imperial eagle of the House of Austria. 1. 11. Agincourt: the battle in the North of France, where Henry V, in 1415, turned on the French and defeated them. L 16. Semper eadem : Lat. always the same : the motto on the English royal standard. P. 38,1. 2. Eddystone : a rock to the south of Plymouth. 186