POEMS OLD AND NEW Shakespeare is the greatest poet of the world, and in his works the human heart in every mood finds perfect expression. This lyric is sung by Winter at the end of " Love's Labour's Lost." P. 98, L 13. Keel: to skim, clean. 1. 15. Saw : saying, sermon. 1. 18. Crabs : crab-apples. Fidele. This song is sung over the body of Imogen in " Cvm- beline." P. 99,1. 10. Thunderstone : thunderbolt. 1. ii. Censure: opinion,judgement. 1.14. Consign: seal (the bond of death). Character of a Happy Life. Sir Henry Wotton (1568-1639), born near Maidstone, in Kent, and educated at Winchester and Oxford, entered the Middle Temple and later held various diplomatic appointments. He left little in the way of literature except a few graceful and polished lyrics. P. 99,1. 18. Silly: simple. 1. 20. Still: always. P. ioo51. 7. Entertains : whiles away. To Celia. Ben Jonson (1573-1637) was educated at Westminster, and was successively bricklayer's apprentice, soldier, actor, and dramatist. He was an erudite classical scholar, and bestowed great pains on his dramas, which are largely founded on classical models. His chief contribution to English drama was his develop- ment of the comedy of " Humours," characters in whom one peculiar quality is exaggerated to the extent of caricature, as in " Every Man in his Humour," "Volpone," and "The Alchemist." His lyrics are full of grace and sweetness. P. 100, L 19. Jove : Jupiter, the king of the gods. Nectar : the drink of the gods. Hymn to Diana. This song is sung by Hesperus in " Cynthia's Revels " (1600). P. 101,1. 5. Hesperus : the evening star. 1. 9. Cynthia : 'another name for Diana, the goddess of the moon. 196