LESSON Xm 65 20. Ogoi grande stazione ha molte entrate e molte useite. 21. Sar& lungo questo viaggio? 22. — Non sar& lungo perchS questo 6 un treno diretto. C. L Some American ladies will leave for a long trip in Italy. 2. We shall leave for Washington. 3, When will you leave? 4. — y?e shall leave tomorrow, for we are in a hurry. 5. Have you a time-table, Miss Morentino ? 6. — No, I have not any time- table. 7, Do you carry much baggage? 8. — I have only a suit case, but these young ladies have also some trunks. 9. What will Olga carry? 10. — She will carry only a light valise. 11. She is right; a journey with much baggage is not very comfortable. D. 1. Miss Fiorentino and Miss Giardiello will leave for Ciiicago tomorrow. 2. What train will they take? 3. — They will take the first express, 4. Mr. Alien will be at the station, when they leave. 5. If the yoimgkdies are in a hurry7 lie will buy the tickets. 6. Where will he meet the young ladies? 7. —He will be near the exit. 8. No, you are wrong, madam; he will be in the waiting room. 9. Where shall I find the boiidasstor? 10. — He is pr®J>- ably near the train. 11. He will open the door of the ear and find some comfortable seats for the two young ladies. 12. They are in a hurry. 13. Which of these two trunks is heavy, porter? 14. — The first [one] is heavy; the second, light. E. Oral. 1. Quando partir& Lei ? 2. Dove compreremo i bigiietti? 3. Chi vendera i biglietti? 4. Chi chiuderi lo sportello della carrozza? 5. Chi portera il bagaglio di questo-signore ? 6. Quando avremo bisogno di un facchino ? 7. Dove troveremo dei posti eomodi ? 8. 36 pesaate questo baule ? 9, Dov*6 la prima carrozza ? 10. Dov'S la IQCQIBO tiva? 11. Dov'6 la seconda carrozza? 12. Dov*& la sala d'aspetto ? 13, Quate classe prender^oao ? 14. Un viaggjto eon molto bagaglio & comodo: ho ragione ? 15. Di chi avid bisogno se partir6 con molto bagaglio? 16. NOG porterd ehe una valigia: ho torto? 17. Perch^ non ho torto? 18. Se Lei avra fretta, con qual treno partiri? 19* Ha Lei