LESSON XXVII 129 Study the following expressions: Che ora £ ? or Che ore sono ? What time is it ? £ meziaaotte. It's midnight, Sono le tre meno tm quarto. It's a quarter to three (A.U.). Sono le venti e un quarto. It's a quarter past eight (P.M.). £ Puna e quaranta. It's forty minutes past one (A.H.). Sono le cinque meno dieci. It's ten minutes to five (A.M.) A che ora ? At what time ? Alle due e mezzo (or mszza). At hah* past two (A.M.). Stamani; stasera. This morning; this evening Stanotte Last night (until noon; after noon it means tonight) 96. Age Ouanti annihaLei? 1 __ ., ~ OieetthaLei? / How old are you? Ho ventidue anni. I am twenty-two years old. Questo bimbo ha tre mesi. This baby is three months old. Age is expressed by means of the verb avere. EXERCISE XXVH abiHta. ability tempo time, weather; a tempo atto act on time attore m. actor attrice /. actress pieno full fila row vuDto empty fine /. end occasione /. occasion applaudire to applaud l palco box (of a theater) redtare to act palcoscenico stage udire to hear platea parquet prima donna leading lady al mussimo at the most spettacolo show giusto just teatro theater mirabilmente admirably A. (1) Supply the 2d person singular imperative, affirma- tive and negatwe, of the verb given in (he infinitwe: L (&ran?) 1 Conjugated like parttre.