228 ITALIAN GRAMMAR a ingrossare le file dei garibaldini. Garibaldi fu proclamato dittatore in nome di Vittorio Emanuele e, passato«sul con- tinente, non trovo nessun ostacolo alia conquista di Napoli. Cavour capt che quello era il momento d'intervenire e le truppe piemontesi entrarono negli Stati Papali, occuparono le Marehe e rUmbria, e si unirono alFesercito di Garibaldi mentre questi stava per attaceare Tesercito borbonico sul Yolturno. La vittoria non poteva non arridere ai patriotti: i Borbom furono scacelati dalFItalia, e la penisola fu unita sotto lo seettro di Vittorio Emanuele II. C. 1. Emilia and Tuscany rebelled against their tyrants. 2. A plebiscite took place in those regions in I860. 3. They joined Piedmont. 4. This was an important event, but the most im- portant [one] in that year was the expedition of the Thousand. 5* If that expedition had not taken place, Italy would have re- mained divided, 6. Garibaldi put himself at the head of a thou- sand men and sailed for Sicily. 7. He sailed from Genoa on May 5, I860, 8. If he had not sailed, who could say when the Bourbons would Have been expelled from Italy ? 9. Italians can never ( » will never foe able to) forget what they owe to Garibaldi. 10. The Thousand landed at Marsala and were received with enthusiasm by the population. D. 1, Garibaldi was a follower of Mazzini, but he understood thai Italy eonld be united sooner under the leadership of Victor Emmanuel. 2. If he had remained faithful to Mazzini's ideas, he could not have fought { « he would not have been able to fight) lor the king. 3. He wanted (ptut absolute) above all the unity and of his fatherland. 4. Many volunteers joined his In Sfeily and m the Neapolitan provinces. 5. They saw (past db®li