much grain as in the best prewar years, although the grain area and the amount of machinery available are as yet considerably less than before the war. This achievement is due to the socialist competition that has developed so widely between republic and republic, territory and ter- ritory, region and region, and especially to the active part taken in the competition by the entire body of collective farmers, by the many millions of men and women on the collective farms. We had a hard time of it in the early period of the war, until we reconstructed all our work to adapt it to the new conditions. The devotion of our workers in the rear and the heroism of our army at the front, which are without parallel in world history, were a manifestation of a lofty Soviet patriotism—and this ensured our vic- tory over the enemy. (Applause.) The current upsurge of Soviet patriotism serves as a notable expression of the present ideological and spiritual development of our So- viet people. It cannot be denied that the survivals of capitalism in the minds of men are very tenacious. That is why the Party is constantly reminding the Soviet people of the need for all-round criticism and self-criticism aiming at the elimination of these pernicious survivals of the past. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that we now have vast opportunities to conduct the struggle for the elimina- tion of these survivals with success. The cultural level of our people has risen in all re- spects. The number of students, the number of books pub- lished, educational work among the masses, have long ago attained proportions unequaled in any other country. Our intellectuals, the workers in the field of culture, our scientists and artists, are imbued with Soviet patriotism as never before. It is by no means fortuitous, that nowadays 495