SPEECH ON LEAVING WARSAW After the Conference of the Foreign Ministers of Eight States June 25, 194-8 Citizens of Warsaw, Permit me to.greet you on behalf of Moscow and the Soviet Government, and to express satisfaction that I have had this opportunity to visit ihe glorious capital of the Polish people, a city that has suffered such exceptionally grafe trials. We all remember the words of the great Stalin on the occasion of the'conclusion of the treaty of friendship and mutual assistance between our countries, to the effect that in recent years a "radical change has taken place in Soviet- Polish relations, that the old, unfriendly relations have been replaced by relations of alliance and friendship be- tween the Soviet Union and Poland. This was achieved after surmounting tremendous difficulties over a long period of years—the years of struggle against German aggression. It was thanks to the unswerving desire of the Soviet Union for the establishment of fraternal relations with democratic Poland, and thanks to the fact that the foremost people of Poland, those who voice the thoughts and sentiments of the Polish people, have become imbued with similar noble aspirations with regard to the Soviet -people, that we have achieved this. Now it is evident that our Polish friends 565