inenls and our potentialities grow when we follow the path mapped out by the Communist Party, by the Great Stalin. (Stormy applause.) In view of the fact that the task of directing the na- tional economy has become more complicated, we are faced with new problems in the field of stale planning, organi- zation of supply of materials and the introduction of advanced techniques in all branches of economy. In the field of national-economic planning special im- portance now attaches to the work of coordinating and expediting the development of the various branches of production. As you know, the plans of production and construction are now drawn up for plants on the basis of progressive teohnico-economic standards of iitilization of equipment and materials—which helps to accelerate the progress of industry, transport and other branches of the national economy. The purpose of control over the way plans ajre being fulfilled is not simply to ensure the achievement of the total planned volume of gross output, but also, and as an essential requirement, the fulfilment of programs in respect to the main classes of $oods, as- sortment, and improvement of quality. Ujpon the proper organization of supply of materials, the creation of necessary material stocks, and the econom- ical utilization of the state resources largely depends the speed of development of our economy. In view of the present vast scope of production and construction, efficient organization of supply, and control to ensure that the established standards of expenditure of materials are ob- served, are of paramount importance to the state. Accelerated mechanization of laborious processes and the introduction of up-to-date technique in all branches of industry, transport and agriculture -have always been con- sidered a paramount task of the Bolshevik Party. Comrade 576