These measures became possible already two years after the end of the war, during which the fascist invaders had inflicted untold misery and ruin on our country. This fad is a demonstration to Ihe world of the vast forces and internal potentialities at the disposal of the Soviet Stale. At the same time, following Ihe abolition of the ration system, new tasks have arisen in all their urgency in the sphere of Soviet trade, both in town and country. Every- thing must be done to expand the production of consumer, goods to the utmost, and to improve their quality and assortment, and also to improve service to the consumers by the trading organizations—both state and cooperative. On the other hand, the favourable results of the cur- rency reform can be ensured to the full only if we observe the strictest economy in everything, do not tolerate extrav- agance and take care of the Soviet pennies. Consciousness of the importance of these simple duties has now penetrat- ed to the broadest sections of the Soviet public. This year has seen thd birth of a now patriotic move- ment among the working masses—a movement for the mobilization of internal reserves, for rendering our enter- prises profitable and for accumulations in excess of plan. In the first nine months of this year total economies above plain resulting from reduction of production costs exceeded 4>000 million rubles. The competition which has developed in this field permits us to hope that by the end of this year total accumulations above plan will have increased by at least 50 per cent. Competition in this field furthermore leads to more efficient utilization of machines and of equip- ment generally in the plants and facilitates better organi- zation of production, which deserves the encouragement of all our directing bodies. This is a movement which now embraces many thousands of the country's plants and has 578'