. 32 QUANTITATIVE AG'RK'WCIfAL J.V.i/.»'/.< Platinum Substitutes.—The increasing .scarcity of platinum has made the introduction of substitutes a practical necessity. While it is true that pure platinum ixxssesses certain prop- erties that cannot be duplicated by any other metal en- alloy, yet certain alloys have been found to he suitable for making into crucibles and dishes that will serve for many of the operations of the analytical laboratory, in place of the platinum that has been in use. Two of these will be mentioned. "Palau" is a trade name for an alloy containing about SO per cent gold and 20 per cent palladium. Its melting point IH about 1370°. "Rhotanium" is a name given to a series of gold-palladium alloys whose melting points range front 1150 to l-lalf. Hofh palau and rhotaniurn may be used in place of platinum exrept. where much oxidation is to be expected or where very high tem- peratures are employed. Unfortunately the manufacturer discourage the IIHI* of thene substitutes by maintaining the price of manufactured articles .so close to that of platinum ware that the* purchaser will usually pay the difference in order to obtain the more satisfactory platinum. Burners.—The burner that is to be used by flu* analyst may IN* anything from the cheapest and simplest burner of the Btmscn type to the most expensive and complicated burner obtainable. The purchaser has his choice* and probably certain advantages are possessed by each burner, The only feature that in really essential is independent regulation of air ami gas supply. The* requirements are quite different in different caws and I hi* mmlynt must have at his disposal all kinds of flume, from f hi* yellow illumi- nating flame to the most intensely hot and oxidizing flume, and he requires very small and very large fliiiwH nf iwh Hiuv. In order to obtain this variety of flame there must I** nome method of regulating the gas supply without changing the {irfwun* uf the* gas valve, since this also changes the amount of nir drawn in at the mixer. The simplest form of Hunwn burner dm** not, fx*rmit this gas regulation without unscrewing the upper itilw* itml ilmng- ing the gas jot by the um of pliera, Btieh regulation in w»t fu- sible in practice.