84 QUANTITATI VK ACRK',1 'l/l't:liAL .1 .V.I A r.s'AV tubes. One of these is for entering air. K. iHaUnrhed to ;i lube of .soda lin outside and it extends to the bottom of tin* bottle. (Tin- suda lime must b<> well confined by a filter of cotton.) The either tube is eonneetrd with an air pump. The purified air is then drawn through th«* w.'iter for an hour, after which the bottle is stoppered. The three reagents may be placed on n shelf «nd eonneeted us shown in Fig. 22, for convenient use. /" A Standard BafOHfe Standard HC1 0 Water/Oj-Frw /"„ < UN) < ;M " f PIG. 22.— Assembly of reason tn for flu* *lioxt«li» f)i*ti*rrninfitirm. Determination of the Carbonate Radical: VolurnHrir Mrtktxl. ..... - A«m?mble the apparatus discussed above, the Meyer absorption tut«* brniig half filled with distilled water. Close the cock of funwl /I find ti*«t fur li'iikn by opening cocks k, f and e. Water will flow from thi* nHpirntor until tho pressure within the apparatus IH reduced to equilibrium with the water column. If an air leak exists at any point between B am) the Meyer tubft air will bubble slowly through the tube. Any leak thus evidenced mu«t be located and stopped. The clamp at k is now closed and the. eock of the dropping funnel H in opened. With c and / left open k m no itdjusti'd IIH t itmy In* uned, if desired. This would be 0.2750 %m for a ftwrth-norniftl wilntioti, or 0.21500 gin for the solution of which 1 cc is equivalent to 0.005 grn of carbon dioxide. (The student should prove this statement,)