DAIRY PRODUCTS 229 evaporate on the steam bath until the alcohol has been removed or until the dye is taken up by the silk. The dyeing test is sometimes unsatisfactory, and in all cases a small portion of the alcoholic solution should be tested by treating with an equal volume of hydrochloric acid or stannous chloride solution. The common oil-soluble coal-tar dyes are rendered more red or blue by the acid and are decolorized by the reducing agent. Most of the natural coloring matters become slightly paler with the acid and are little changed by the stannous chloride solution. (2) Annatto Coloring Matter.—Pour on a moistened filter a basic solution of the color obtained by shaking out the oil or melted and filtered fat with warm, dilute sodium hydroxide solution. If annatto is present the filter paper will absorb the color so that when washed with a gentle stream of water it will remain dyed a straw color. Dry the filter and add a drop of stannous chloride solution. If the color changes to pink the presence of annatto is confirmed.