CONTENTS ix PAGE the saccharimeter—Light filters—Sugar scale—The Ventzke scale and the normal weight—The International scale—The Laurent scale. The common sugars—Cane sugar—Commercial syrups—Correc- tion for volume of precipitate—Direct polarization—Invert polarization—Beet products—Commercial glucose—Detection of invert sugar—Determination of commercial glucose in syrups containing invert sugar. CHAPTER VIII HYDROGEN ION CONCENTRATION.................138 Methods—The potentiometer method—The indicator method— Table of indicators—Applications. PART III ANALYSIS OF AGRICULTURAL MATERIALS CHAPTER IX FEEDS..............................142 Composition of common feeds—Sampling—Moisture—Ash— Mineral analysis—Crude fat—Crude fiber—Crude protein— Nitrogen—Kjeldahl method—Gunning method—Kjeldahl-Gun- ning-Arnold method—Non-protein nitrogen. Carbohydrates—Reducing sugars—Determination of reduced cuprous oxide—Gravimetric method—Approximate volumetric method—Iodide method—Sucrose—Starch—Diastase method— Direct acid hydrolysis—Arabin, xylan and pentosans—Galactans. CHAPTER X SAPONIFIABLE OILS, FATS AND WAXES...............170 Composition—Separation and identification—Specific gravity— Index of refraction—Melting point of fats—Iodine absorption number—Acid value—Saponification number—Soluble and insoluble acids—Reichert-Meissl number—r-Butter and substi- tutes—Polenske value—Acetyl value—Maumene* number and specific temperature reaction. Qualitative reactions—Resin oil—Cotton-seed oil—Sesame oil— Arachis oil—Soybean oil—Marine animal oils—Color reactions. CHAPTER XI DAIRY PRODUCTS........................199 Milk—Sampling—Specific gravity—Added water—Use of dipping refractometer—Acidity—Total solids—Ash—Fat—P a p e r - c o i 1