40 QUANTITATIVE AaitfCCI/f'CliAL ,\\AlA'SfS bo carefully tested at the beginning, to give a^unmr can safely be used for this method of procedure. Calibration of Weights.— Mxponsive sets of weights are usually adjusted with sufficient accuracy for most analytical work, but with weights of the grade ordinarily available u calibration should be made. Weights that are found to be in error may then be either adjusted to accurate values or used with corrections. This is a matter that is given serious attention in Jar too feir laboratories, college or industrial. Conntwmal treujhh /m/w////// are in error to the extent of two or three per cent and mw Ittrtjer errors may be found, after the weights hare been in nwfur a year or more. To ignore such errors a,s- lh