70 QUANTITATIVE AdltH't'l.Tt'KM. .1 A AL 1 ,s7,S' IRON Iron is sometimes determined gruvimetrieally by precipitating ferric hydroxide by ammonium hydroxide, igniting aii<{ we;-1 * this aw ferric oxide: '; ft) 2Fe(OH)3 • > I«V2«>3 4- :t!U», (2) However ferric hydroxide is a colloidal Mib>tanei* whirl} adsorbs soluble Halts with great tenacity, so that it i> diffinilt ii> purify any but a small precipitate by washing. A!M» during ignition on paper, reduction of the oxide is liable tn o«vur. Fur these reasons volumetric methods are ustially prejrrabl**. Standard solutions of permanganates or of dirhromate* are .^uifable for this purpose. Volumetric, by Permanganate.- In acid Mention* potnssitiiu permanganate oxidizes ferrous salt** by the frtHmving reactions: KMn04 + 5F(K ?IS + HlfC 1 -- K( 1 -4 Mn< lv * :>rvri * in;,n: f|j 2KMn04+ 10FeS04 + 8H2S<>4 * K7SU4 f 2MnSo4 » SKivS* *i' ! SH (l '. S2) The equations show that the* added aciil j»Ia\> a fielinite part in the reactions and if an insufficient amount i* pre*i«nf tbe Hoiution will become basic and a precipitate will form, coiisi^ting of hydratcd manganeKe dioxide and ba-sir iron >*alf?*: 3Fe(Jl2 + KMn()4 + (// + 2)H3< * - * 3!"VI lr« HI -f- H7o -f- KoH. f;i Aside from the trouble* ex!*eri<»ncc«i in n*mling I fit* i-ni caused by the appearance of the precipitate, it in H*Hi from Kq. (3), above, that mungnnfw m reilureii In tbi* apparent valence of 4 instead of 2, HO thiit fhr» iron jn*r rent euitttot l«» calculated when bot.h reaclions faki* pliiri*. la presence of hydrochloric iirid won* (H*rtuaiiKaimt<* ttiurt the theoretical amount may be UH»df with lifierntion of HWW* free chlorine. Tim action may l«* itlnifmf ent iiely pre%*enti*«l by tnc addition of rna«Kun«HC! sulphate to fin* Miltitioii, < »i*!ii'rnl!y phosphoric acid also is added to prevrnl f h«- hy«IniI>>i.H t»f fi*rrir