//A'.Y.SV y r AM* WWIFIC (SUAVITY by the density of water at /°. Or it can be converted into specific, /° gravity at . 0 by multiplying by the ratio of the density of water at /° to that at t\\ the latter symbol representing any desired temperature. It cannot be too strongly emphasised that both temperatures represented in these symbols should always be expressed or understood. Because of failure to do thin there is much confusion in the records in scientific literature. Baume System. In this system two scales arc; used, one being for liquids lighter than wafer, the other for liquids heavier than water. The first is applicable, to petroleum products and to most other oils and fats. The; neeond Beale in used for most solutions iu wafer. In the original Baumc! scale, for liquids heavier than water the point to which it hydrometer float sinks in a solution of sodium chloride, 15 per cent by weight and at lf>**0'., wan taken as 1-5° Bituiiti' (abbreviated Be!.). The corresponding point for pun* water was taken as (f Be, and all other points were* located by thene two. For liquids lighter than water the- scale has the point 10n Be. for pure water and (f Be\ for a 10-per c«»nt, solution of Hodimii rhlf*rif!i», tlifscnh* fii'ing extended beyond 10° for lighter liquids. If will bt» 141*1*11 that this is u wholly arbitrary nywtcm itfid cfrnversion of degrees Baiim/* into HjH»rific gravity^ or vice versa, will involve ibi» u««* of s|M*ciul formuhin. Hevenil modifica- tions of the original Baunie* walon have c<»nu» into uwt and I lie (HfliciiltieH involved in interpmtHtion hav I and li 145