1870 26g to Paraguay. As he happened to combine the appointment of Minister of War with his diplomatic post, there would not be much difficulty about the former; and the latter was almost as easy, since the lady proved most reasonable in spite of being married to a French army surgeon who was still alive. An Irishwoman born in France, she was slightly affected by the prevailing Napoleonic cult. She might even make the dark young man beside her the Napoleon of the New World; and if she could, the Pope might grant a dispensation and let her divorce her army surgeon and marry Lopez. Then, perhaps, she would be an empress instead of Madame Lynch. The strange couple sailed for Paraguay; and the Napol- eonic dream drummed in his dark head. The years went by; the old Dictator died; and a National Assembly with remarkable unanimity appointed his son Gefe Supremo y General de los Ejercitos de la RepuUica del Paraguay. That was in 1862. His moment had arrived, and he prepared to be Napoleonic. The chief essential was a war; and he provided one upon a princely scale. Indeed, he slightly overdid it, since he went to war with Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina at the same time. This was a shade excessive, as Paraguay was a small country and the enemy comprised almost the whole of South America. But the uncertain frontiers of the interior were rich in casus belli; and if one was to be Napoleonic, one must not be afraid of risks. Besides, his officers all sported kepis now, his infantry wore something vaguely reminiscent of the Imperial Guard upon their heads, and at a distance the cavalry of the escort in their brass helmets with the dangling horse-tails might pass for French dragoons. This was highly gratifying, although the greater part of his artillery had served as ballast in sea- going ships and would be more at home as posts at street- corners ; but when Lopez reflected that the sailors of his river-flotilla wore an approximation to French uniforms, he could have little doubt of the result. Neither, it may be added, could the Allies, since the com-