2 Ramavijaya. Mm with sleep, saying that the demon would rise every six months to eat his meals and indulge in all other luxu- ries. Yibhishana was blessed with a power to pray always to Vishnu. Ravana and Kumbhakarana then collected all demons including Kharadushana and Trishira and march- ed against Kuber to conquer Lanka. They fought with Kuber with bravery, but the latter repulsed them with heavy loss. Ravana then went to Vishrava and brought his'letter to Kuber asking him to give Lanka to. the de- mon without any resistance. On reading the letter from his father he gave the country to Ravana and proceeded to heaven : by a Viman* Mayasur, a demon, gave away his daughter, Mandodari, in marriage to Ravana. J)irghajwala, ,a grand-daughter of Bali,, was married ta Kumbhakarna, and Sharma, a daughter of a Gandharv,^ to Tilihishana. Ravana conquered all countries and devour- ed a large number of Brahmans and cows. He robbed. Kuber of his treasure and oppressed all other people. Be had eight thousand wives, one lac of sons and one la& and twenty thousand grand-sons. He had eiglitaa** tcshoyanis^ of musicians^ who entertained him with music. All kings were his slaves, and eight thousand torches- lighted his sabha § every night. All mountains for fear of Xndra$ prayed.to Ravana for protection, who told them to'Ibecome elephants. They accordingly became elephants- wh^m/ he engaged as his servants. He then marched against Indra with his eldest son, Meghanand. A severe battle took. place between the gods and the demons, but | the former . were defeated by the latter. In that battle?* Meghanand flung down Indra with his hairawati$, and^ _____________________________________j* * A conveynance or a chariot serving as a throne throaghJ/ *tfe skies, self -directed and self-moving, f A demi-god. % One' Kshoyalu consists of 21,870 chariots, 21,870 elephants, 1^09,350- foot, and 65,610 horses, , § A court. ^f The "king of the gods/ $ An eiephaiit» """ *"' •••••. - .••*•