Ramavijaya. 11% air with it. She became exceedingly sorrv and began toj weep, when Dasharatha prevailed upon Kaiwa^a to de her pinda into two halves and give one and keep the other for herself. Kausalya accordingly did it; and Sumitra also did the same thing in compliance with the wishes of the king. Thus Kayakayi got one full pinda for herself, which she ate heartily. Kausalya and Sumitra ate their own halves. Soon after, the three ladies became pregnant. The pinda which was snatched by the ghar from the hands of Kayakayi, fell by a blast of wind into the hands of Anjani, the wife of a monkey called Kesari. She also swallowed up the pinda and became pregnant. The story of the child born to Anjani is as follows:— Anjani, the wife of Kesari, performed a severe penance for seven years on the hills called Rishiparvat, in order that the god, Siva, might be pleased to bless her with an immortal son. Siva was pleased with her and said, " An immortal son will be born to thee as thou wishest. He will be a part of my body. I, there- fore, tell .thee to sit here in meditation and swallow up any thing that falls into thy hands, so that thy wish may bo fulfilled/' So saying Siva dis-appeared. The pinda from the bill of the ghar fell into the hands of Anjani,-and she swallowed it up as directed by Siva. The ghar was a devangana who had become a bird by the curse of Indra. This god was displeased with her, because she did not dance properly; 'and it was appointed by Bramhadev that she would be released from the curse, as soon as the pinda fell into the hands of Anjani. The devangana was accordingly released from the curse; and after her release she went to Indra. Anjani, after a period of nine months, was delivered of a powerful json called Maruti He was a monkey and had a long ytail. When he saw the light, he was hungry; and when ^he did not get any thing to eat, he went to devour the