36 Eamayijaya, .Sugriva said that yesterday he heard screams of a woman •and showed the ornaments found hy the monkeys to" Ra- .ma. The prince identified the ornaments as belonging .to his wife and shed tears, when Sugriva said, " Do not "be, afraid. I shall help you with my able ministers, Kala Ma and Jambuvant in recovering Sita from Havana. Let us kill Vali first and then we^ shall set out in search of Sita," As soon as Sugriva spoke these words, Rama aimed his arrow, when the former stopped him and said, 41 Yali is my mortal enemy and will fight with us to his last gap.'* Whereupon Rama asked him the cause of the enmity with his brother. " Dudhurnbi, son of the .demon, Maishasur," continued Sugriva, u was very power- fui, and oppressed the gods in heaven and the people on earth. Nobody could fight with him. At last the de- mon went to Yama aad challenged him to fight with Mm. Yama said, * I cannot fight with you. I, there- fore, tell you to go to Yali at Kiskinda and he will fight with you to your satisfaction*' The demon immediatelj .came to Kiskinda and challenged Vali to fight with him, .when the latter killed the former and hurled his body in the air which fell on the hill? called Rishimukha Parwat. All the Kishis on the hills were killed by the weight of the corpse, when a' Rishi called Matang cursed Vali, spying that if the latter touched the hills, he would in* ptantly die. Mayasur, son of Dudhumbi, came to avenge the death of his father but he ' fled to .patal through a pave, when Vali gave him blows. 'Vali pursued him, having posted me at the mouth of it. For many months he did not return, though I was at the cave aE the time watching it. During this time demi-gods entered Kis- kinda and sought to take possession of. it. I, therefore, placed a mountain at the mouth of the cave and drove , all the demi-gods from the kingdom. Vali did not return t? Kiskinda" for twenty' months, and from this fact all