Kamavijaya. 39 a very beautiful damsel called' Hema and sent her in the cave. The demon looked at her'and was captivated vwith :her charms. Finding. that the dam >n was very much 'taken with her, she carne out of the cave, and he followed, her, -'forgetting what Bramhadev had told him. As SOOB as he came out of the cave, he iastantly died. After the death of the demon, Hema was in the possession of the cave and garden, and *oon left for the kingdom of Wishnu, placing me Here in this form to watch it. Hema 'told me that when monkeys would come into this garden, I would fee restored to my former form." Miniti said io her, " We fiave eaten fruits to our hearts' content and we most now leave •this place as soon as possible. We ••cannot-see the way .to the cave through which we have -come here. Will you, therefore, ba kind enough to show it to sis.T' Whereupon Supra bha told all the monkeys to shut their eyes; and in a second they were all on a -seashore. She was restored -co her former form and, '.visiting Rama, went to her husband. The monkeys were very anxious to cross the sea and .go to Lanka, but they were tnuble to do so. However, Maruti, repeating the name of JEUraa, crossed the sea; "but on the way he met with several accidents. The gods sent a huge woman to devour him. She ©peaed ner mouth and stood in his way. He passed through her mouth and proceeded farther. In the meantime, the sea .-sent a mountain to block up his way. The naoant'un. said to Mm, " Good creature I Why are you not going fto take rest on nay bosom ?" At these words Maniti got •enraged and pressed dowa the mountain. A little further *ori, a frightful eiemoaesa$ Shihika, who was mother of &z&hu• ani• Ivetq, swallowed hina up.; bat he tore off her ibelly and cams out. At last he arrived at upper L\nkaf when the godiess of the place caught hold of Ms legs xatfL k&oeked hint down. He got up and gave her mortal