SO Ramavijaya. at him and cut off his head." Kama accordingly dischaŁ ged the arrow at him and cut off his head. When the. head fell on the ground,-it'drank off a sheet of the sea- water in the west and: thereby a tract of land, which is! now called Marwad, was formed. The sea regarded Rama as his son-in-law and presented him with a dress and! ornaments, which he accepted at the request of the mon- keys; and when he wore them, he looked very beautiful, Rama asked the sea what means he shonld adopt to cross the water with so many monkeys, when he said, *k You can have a sketu* built over me. Leiit^e built by Nak with stones and mountains, which will float on the surface of the water only by his hands. When Eala was young, he'always worshipped slialigrams^ and threw them into the sea-water. A Rishi was pleased with him and blessed him, saying that by, his hands, stones and mountains would float on the water.*' So saying to Rama, the sea- disappeared. Immediately after, Rama called ISTala and* said to him, " To cross the sea, a shetu must be built by- you of stones and mountains, which will float on the water by your hands only. I, therefore, beg you to order all the monkeys to procure stones and mountains and lay them by your hands in the water.*' ISTala was puffed up with pride and said to himself that the shetu could not be built without him. So saying Nala ordered the moa- keys to get stones and mountains which the latter brought and gave in charge of the former. Nala built a portion* of the shetu, but the fishes in the sea ate it. He agak built it but the fishes again ate it. He was at a loss^to know what to do, when Maruti said to him, " Pride gcjf|' before destruction. You thought that the bndge'coiii* not Be built without you. What do you. say now ? Le^ye off your pride and be humble. E"ow write the name d* *A bridge or pool. |A black stone found in tk© Gadartki, and worshipped as sacred-to Vishnu,