RamaYijaya* 61; Ms county, Itfikumbala, to perform a penance with a view to get from the deity of fire a divyv,raiha,* with horses and weapons. He entered a solitary place and, posting de- - mons to watch it, began to perform the penance. Indrajit killed for the purpose many Brahmans^and cows and, washing his body with their blood, seated himself upon corpses and carcasses, made a havan] and offered the deity of fire the h'eads of Brahmans and cows. The deity having been pleased with him, half of the divyaratha came - out of the ha van. Maruti believed that the woman, whose head had been cut off, was Sita and communicated the sad news to Ram# and Lakshuman, which disheartened and disappointed aJJ. Jn the meantime, Yibhishan came and informed Rama and the monkeys that Sita was safe in the Asoka forest and that tide Sita, whose head was cut off by Indrajit, was created by him with his mantras. He also informed them of the penance and said, " Half of the divyaratha has come out of the fire; and if the whole chariot come out, you will nofc be able to conquer Indrajit. I, .therefore, advise you to go to Mkumbala as soon as possible and destroy the ha van, so that the chariot may disappear and not come to the hands of the demon-prince, I also tell; you that as soon as you destroy the havan, Ite will be desper- ate and fight with you ; but no one will be able io kill him, unless he has observed fast for 12 years.'* listen- ing to what Yibhishan had said Rama made a sign ta Lakshuman, who had observed fast for 14 years, and bade him go with Maruti, Sugriva, and the other monkeys to Mkurnbala to destroy the ha van and kill Indrajit. Lak- shuman accordingly went with them to Nikumbala and destroyed the chariot and ha van. The noise of .the monkeys aroused Indrajit who was in deep meditations; and find*? * A beautiful, fine and charming diariot, '• ' f Oblation by fire to a deity. 6