Kamavijaya. 75 Vibhislian came and said to Rama, (< Havana is perform- ing a penance like that which was done by Indrajit arid half of the divyaratha has come out of fire. Unless you send some monkey-warriors there and destroy the havan made by him, you will not be able to overcome him.*1 No sooner did Vibhishan inform Rama of this than the latter despatched Maruti, Fala, Nila, Sugriva, and other monkeys to Lanka. They all went and searched the place where the demon-king was performing the penance ; but they could not find out the place. But, in the mean-time, Sharma, wife of Vibhishan, showed the place to them. Whereupon they went to the mouth of the excavation and, having removed the stone which was placed upon it, rushed into it, when Havana was in deep meditation. The monkeys, haviag destroyed the havan and the ratha, tried their utmost to arouse him from Ms meditation but they foiled to do so. They struck him with their weapons, they threw rock and trees upon him,, they gave blows to him but all was in vain. At last Sngriva caught hold of Mandodari and brought her in the excavation. She was frightened, and violently cried. Her yell .aroused the demon-king from meditation; and as soon as he saw his wife there, and having found that the havan was destroy- ed by the monkeys, he was greatly enraged and beat them all down. The monkeys immediately returned to Stivela leaving Ravana and his wife in the excavation. The demon-king said to Mandodari " My dearest, do hot grieve for what has happened to you. Pain and pleasure are made .for us mortal beings and we must experience them according to their turns. Now I am going to fight with Rama. I will either kill myself or kill Rama, If I return to you, it is all right; and if I be killed, these are the last words I address to you.*' So saying the demon-king took the remaining deraens with him and commenced operations, when all the monkeys threw at