Raptor Research A Quarterly Publication of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc, Volume 20, Number 2, Summer 1986 (ISSN 0099-9059) Contents Notes on the Breeding Cycle of Cafe Vultures (Gyps r opr other esj Ahst.ur S. , . . . . . .... Si Attacks by Black Eagles on Vultures P, J. Hundy, A.5 Rjl^Lk. 1 i is* i ,1 . KDmen.and TC, O t Counor 61 The Behavioral Response or a Rld- tailed Hawk to Military Training Activity David E. Andersen, Orrin |. ELmgsuud and W3B»n R Myimn 65 Short Communication ] J.ihiijil t’se by WinlfTin^ CnJdc-n s and Elnugh-l.rj(gf , d E. H. Craig. T. H. Craig and Lain R. Piiwer^i , 69 Diitribuuon and Dauby oi Prairie F&kttrti Nesting; in Calfomia During [hi- IWK Douglas A. Boyce, Jr,* Ruiuld L. Laired anti Brian ) Walton . . . 71 Bald Eagle Pursue-. and 1 njurtA SotHv Guos*- ml Ri^ht Richard S, Bennett, Jr., and Erwin E. Klu^s 75 Osprey Captures Griiy Squired. Ptirr Taylor ....... 76 Adoprian of a Juvenile by Brn-ding Sp.-inish Impcn.il K.igk 0.05; h >P 0.25; 1 >P 0.75. 70 Short Communications Vol. 20, No. 2 et al. 1978). The frequency of raptor occurrences per habitat was compared to expected frequencies of both species in each habitat type (Chi-square (x 2 ) test). The expected frequencies were determined by multiplying the total number of each species observed per survey by per- cent occurrence of each habitat along the 187 km survey route. The percent habitat coverage was determined by selecting 95 random points on a map of the survey route and calculating the percent of points which fell in each habitat type (after Marcum and Loftsgaarden 1980). All agricultural lands, usually alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and grain fields, were considered one habitat. Areas where few or no power poles were available for perches were listed separately, since Craig (1978) reported that both Golden Eagles and Rough-legged Hawks showed a pre- ference for power poles as perch sites on INEL. Golden Eagles occurred in agricultural areas signifi- cantly less often than expected (P < 0.005; x 2 = 8.1422; Table 1) and were found most frequently in certain habitats dominated by native vegetation (Table 1). How- ever, 3 areas covered with native vegetation or Agropyron cristatum, but containing few or no powerlines were used significantly less often (P