•Uttarakhand 3 count here. Cowardice shows quickest. Besides will power, good physique also has a lot to do with trekking and fortuna- tely if you are so, your mind becomes gurgling fountain of ideas. Probably this factor alone led the Gods and Goddesses to dwell here. Our ancestors were also never tired of visiting these places by the same urge of discovering the real and ulti- mate. On the mountains, you find answer of all problems; in fact, •each upward step seems to bring you closer to a solution, gratefully, you keep in moving, and next moment aesthetic ex- perience takes hold of you. Knowledge seems to break instan- taneously. This fact is very well illustrated from the life and deeds of Sankaracharya, Swami Vivekananda, Ravmdranath Tegore, Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Nicholus Roerick, Udai Shanker and many other known and unknown luminaries who either craved for this experience visited, or have lived in this part of the Himalayas which has been des- cribed by Kalidasa— In the north lieth The king of mountains—Himalaya The stirring rod of the world The divine king of mountains. The lure During my extensive stay in the Uttarakhand, I have obser- ved that the same mountain is different each day with subtle changes and each trip a different experience. You drink the water which never tasted so sweet, and any food digests well. As the climber's hands reach out, they march in a silent, rhy- thmic and joint step after having covered tiresome motor journey. The process continues, at the foot of the hills where a river must be crossed on a log serving as a bridge. After some route march, at the end of approach march, where trees -end and rocks start, ropes bind the climbers who shake hands before rock climbing commences. A little further lies a sheer wall which the leader climbs and stands on a ledge, giving -smiles of encouragement to the co-climbers. A little higher, .above the ledge, everything becomes intensified—the sun is fiercier, the rocks dizzying and wind blowing but the views are