Uttarakhand j_ 3. Weather: Every member of the team must undergo a period of gradual acclimatisation before the organs can operate and get adjusted at height. It has been found that if one spends too long time in ranged atmosphere serious bodily deterioration sets in which may result in sleepless- ness, vomiting and loss of appetite. Equipment : All equipment and clothing must be colle- cted and arranged before starting for a trek or expedition. It should be both best in type and condition, particularly the mountaineering equipment has to be best. Leadership: Last but not least, comes the question of leadership because in his hands depends the fate of the party. A leader is not one who has climbed the highest point but is one who succeeds in placing the maximum number of men on top. Achieving this is no ordinary job since it requires good organisation, coordination, admini- strative arrangements and the highest order of proficiency in rock and snow craft. Hazards of mountaineering Accidents do take place in trekking, climbing and mountai- neering duetD over-ambition, climbing above, pushing in bad weather and lack of experience. For climbing the Himalayas, the obstacles of rock, ice, snow, precipice, avalanche, inacce- ssible wilderness, physical endurance, elaborate, arrangements of supply, transport and communication and above all weather are to be faced. Monsoon is perhaps the most treacherous and relentless enemy which the Himalayan trekkers have to face every year from June to August which turn heights into vast death traps of melting and crumbling ice and snow: there- fore, it is necessary that every trekking party setting 'out on an Himalayan adventure must keep in mind. High altitude sickness: Trekking and expedition parties pay little attention to acclimatisation and in their haste to trek the desired place of climb or the peak rapidly go up and run through the mountains which results in high alti- tude sickness due to lack of proper acclimatisation, the climbers find themselves gripped with sleeplessness and giddiness. Most unpredictable are the mental reactions of