20 Abode of Gods mother of the earth* to the Tibetans. Eversince this new found discovery, this peak has always stirred the imagination of daring mountaineers who seek high adventure in high places. Age of mountaineering The first organised expedition to the Himalayas was laun- ched under the leadership of W.H. Graham. He made a num- ber of successful attempts in Sikkim and ultimately succeeded in climbing 24000 ft. high Kabru, which lay in the neighbour- hood of Kanchenjunga. In 1882, Sir William Conway headed an expedition to Karakoram. At the same time, Douglas- Freshfield made a difficult and adventurous circuit of Kanchenjunga and the indenitable Munnery was still exploring approaches to Nanga Parvat, The most fantastic feat of early mountaineering was appearance of an American couple Dr. and Ms. William Hunt Workman who led six expeditions between 1909-1912 and succeeded in climbing pyramid peak at the age of fifty-six which itself is a record. In subsequent years, Dr. Kallas and Dr. T. G. Longstaff succeeded in climbing 23060 ft. Trisul peak. By now, most of the important peaks had been climbed. Sherpas, the spiders of Himalayas At this stage, induction of a local element known as sherpas- was a significant landmark in the history of Indian mountai- neering. It proved a significant introduction because in the years to come they were destined to play an important role in all the mountaineering expeditions. Sherpas are the natives of Himalayas who were initially hired by the expedition parties as coolies but with the passage of time, as they gained experience, began to take part in more advanced mountaineering activities and soon established them- selves as an indispensable institution. Everest expedition In 1922 Mt. Everest climbing expedition was led by Briga- dier Charls G. Bruce and included such eminent mountineers as Col. E..L. Strutt and Dr. T.G. LongstarT. Oxygen was used for the first time in this expedition. Earlier in 1921, Howardr