52 Abode oj Gods Daughty fighters were Gorkhas, Guns roared all around the hills. They raised such thunder and fire That the downfall of Srmagar Seems imminent, and comes. Pradyumna Shah fled to Saharanpur and the Gorkhas in their goose chase succeeded in annexing Dehradun in 1804. Pradyumna Shah did not sit idle and continued to counter Gorkhas with the help of Britishers who ultimately drove them away from Dehradun arid Garhwal after a series of campaigns which ended with the treaty of Sigauli in 1814-15* As per terms of the treaty Kali river was fixed as the western limit of Nepal.and the Britishers annexed the entire Uttarakhand except Tehri Garhwal which lies east of Alaknanda and MandakinL Sudharshan Shah (1814—1350) was the first ruler of Garhwal with his capital at Tehri. It has now been divided into the twin districts of Tehri Garhwal and UttarkashL The Garhwal kings were great builders of places and patronised fine arts, Maularam lived in the court of Pauwar kings at Srinagar.