76 Abode of Gods replaced by smoothness of the towering snowy peaks, A little ahead is Rattakona from where Mana pass lies just above the Tara Glacier, At Rattakona, vision becomes dulled and each step becomes gasping and defiant due to airless heights. I made three trips to this place at different times and seasons of the year, The twin peaks of Kedarnath and Badrinath rise at a distance of about ten miles apart, the former being 22853 ft, and the later 22,401 ft, above sea level. Perhaps nowhere do the snowy summits appear grander than here, These places are visible from a few miles down the valley of the Mandakini, the two sharp peaks seem to pierce the very sky and the white battlements, with their enormous slopes of smooth and shining snow tower into the air in a wonderful manner. Travellers have dwelt enthusiastically on the scene. At the pilgrims feet, edging the beds of snow which the pilgrims have to traverse at intervals, grow a profusion of pale rose coloured auriculas and yellow primroses of delicious fragrance. Strange sounds are also heard in that rarified atmosphere, the effect probably of distant avalanches and rendings of the ice and snows, but which superstition has fancied to be the voices of the Gods, assembled for sport or council. This is the abode of Gods,