18 THE LURE OF THE VALLEY The Himalayas invite the attention not only for their grandeur -and sublimity but in the words of Holdsworth "All of a sudden, I realised that I was simply surrounded by primulas. At once, the day seemed to brighten perceptibility. Forgotten were all pain and cold and lost prters and what a primulas it was ?" There is something in the valley of flowers which holds the fasci- nation, arrests the attention, and contains constant charm to -come and enjoy the untrampled flowers as they grow in the nature's garden—Nandan Kanan. The first Europeen trekker who struck upon the valley was 1 Col. Edmund Smythe who during the course of his extensive explorations in the Uttarakhand crossed Lakshaman pass over Bhyundhar ridge in 1862 and descended down only to find a paradise of infinite beauty which was later further investigated by Dr. T.G. Longstaff who points out in his famed book This My .Voyage that "Beyond these glaciers we looked down into a valley of the richest green balm to the eyes after the stormy desolation we had left behind we reached it on July 13th to find the most luxuriant meadows we had met with in this part of the Himalaya. We waded through flowers upto our waists fern, yellow lilies and .anemoneas, green frittillaries, purple monks-hood, blue dwarf-