148 Abode of Gods frighten people .... People, therefore, guard against them, and have recourse to the personation and worship of the deities as a safeguard against their influence."1 Amongst the most dreaded forms of ghosts is Masan, who is said to exist in places where dead ladies are burnt, generally at the confluence of two rivers. Ghantakaraena, or the bell-eared, who is adored under the form of a water jar,, and is supposed to cure skin diseases is another dreaded ghost. His image stands at the entrance to many temples of the greater gods. A similar and equally unedifying legend relates to Ganga, Nath, one of the favourite gods of the Doms. He is said to be very young and beautiful. Lower castes propitiate him. The Doms regard him as the chief of their Gods Nirankara, the name- meaning the formless. He is treated as a royal deity, though no story of,human origin is told concerning him. He becomes- incarnate into both men and women. Another strange deity,, whose temples are found on mountain summits and in desolate places, is Airi. He is believed to have a third eye and if anyone is seen by him or he sees it, he instantly dies. He is accompanied on his mighty rambles by a troop of goblins in various shapesr and by a pack of hounds with bells attached to their necks. The malignant spirit Rumiya is propitiated in the northern part of Kumaon. He is said to roam at night from village to village on. steads formed of huge boulders of stone, whose rambling and clattering noise is heard in darkness and illness. He is of amorous- propensities and women who attract his attention pine away, and soon joins him in the spirit land. Uttarakhand holds irresistible charm for those who want to enter the secret apartment of demonism and Tantra. The strange ceremonies still hold key to many secrets of the strange tantric* cults, the interpretation of which is beyond ordinary comprehen- 1. .E. D. Atkinson, Himalayan Gazeteer*