24 THE WAY TO HEAVEN In the pattis of Byas and Chandans cremation follows death immediately, but in Darma patti burning follows death, imme- diately, but in some pattis burning takes place only in the month of Kartik, i. e. once in a year, and corpse are interned in the ground during the interval and are exhumed in Kartik for crem- ation. The Bhotias of Darma Pargana, speak of the funeral ceremonies as *Gwan*, but they are known amongst the western Bhotias by the term 'Dhurung'. The elaborate death ceremony The death ceremonies are more elaborate and interesting. A distinction is made between small children and grownups. Those children who have not outgrown their milk teeth are buried, the head placed northwards. Others who are older are cremated. The dead body is placed on a white log. The log with the body is then placed on a bier. To the front of the bier is tied a white cloth, cotton if the deceased is a man, and woollen, if a woman. The significance of tying the cloth is that the spirit of the deceased can be guided forthwith in the next world. The cloth is known as 'Amlugara', 'Am* meaning way and Xugara' cloth. The funeral procession is led by a young boy or a girl, who