35 NAGNATH POKHRI—THE VILLAGE OF THE SERPENT The then State Minister for Finance Mr. Narendra Singh Bhandari, hailed from Nagnath Pokhri. He was so much con- cerned about his area and constituency. He worked hard for its development and all the time was worried over its develop- ment. He always took his officers to this area and during one of his such jaunts, I joined him and went to Pokhri alongwith the then Divisional Forest Officers, viz, Narendra Singh, Nirmal Joshi and Darshan Singh. The trip was memorable. The road for Pokhri bifurcates from Rudraprayag and climbs east of Rudraprayag. As the road climbs up, from the elevated position, you can see the cultivated land which is in the shape of terraced fields. The village buildings are invariably set at upper end of the cultivated land. The whole country, as you look down on it, is rugged and rough, and is cut up by innume- rable deep ravines and rock cliffs. From Nagnath Pokhri one can see the vast magnitude of Himalayan ranges which are full of rhodendron flowers. The entire scene is immensely beautiful and it was made more memorable by Sri Bhandariji in his home village. The memory of this visit never fades.