36 THE MEN WHO MATTER .A country is known by the men who flash In the horizon and brighten the times they live and in the subsequent years the life and times of their emergence are reckoned as the age of the historic -figure in question. The great names of history stand for an age .and live forever, like Gautam, Ashoka, Akbar and Mahatma -Gandhi on the Indian scene and Christ, Cromwell, Peter the -Great, Napoleon, Abraham Lincoln, Lenin and Churchill in Europe. Likewise in the history of Uttarakhand, the names of Sankracharya, Maularam, Gumani, Sir Henry Ramsay, Govind Ballabh Pant, Chandra Singh Garhwali, Barrister Mukundi Lai, Badri Dutt Pandey, Sombari Baba, 1008-Tapovan Maharaj, Krishashram Maharaj, Heriya Khand Maharaj and Neem Karon, Sumitranandan Pant, Mohan Lai Shah stand out heads and shoulders above others. They rose in eminence due to their indefatigable efforts to uplift the lot of their brethren and fellow people and untiring devotion to their cause which has left perma- nent imprint on the sands of time and pages of history. We must, when we think of Himalayas, pay tribute to them and remember them because whatever is there in the Uttara- khand is because of their untiring zeal and intense devotion to Ihe cause which was in ferment at the time they lived and pro-