233 .Uttarakhand provides places of breathtaking | and inquisitive tounst can go and relax. . ofMussoorieandNainital we have not been abte ^o other places like Lohaghat, Prthoragrab Kausan., Ai Ranikhet, Panri, Gopeshwar, Barakote and Chakrauta. ^ fcw In the aforementioned paragraphs, I have listed _on y^ the basic problems. There are numerous otes. The nnme and ultimate task for us is to formulate a plan of action. Task before us The land where Gods and Goddesses are .«J today anguished by the sobrieties of nature^ £*"££ of rulers and disloyalty of the sons of soU L A coord^ ^ ^e action aimed at the overhauling of the enure ^ ^ systems and reframjng of the rules and f^™ g°V™ment functioning of various government ^f^^t of of forests, implementing soil con servaton, ^^ of horticulture, exploitation of fodder «™^S ever. soil erosion, systematic destruction and ^»e ^ growing vegetation and waste wood, P °^ ^^ve health, varieties of sheeps, improve urngationalfaalitiesmpr hygiene, sanitation, drinking water and mej^™ ^ another and above all mobilise agr^lture ^d hortculture above e,ds today — -J £ workers, dedicated workers, work ing to endow them