234 Abode of Gods more particularly wool and turpentine which form an item of basic necessity. (iii) to strengthen and develop local economy by establishing consumer goods industries wherever possible, (iv) to encourage local initiative, local leadership and a sense of community consciousness among the people by promoting cooperative efforts. (v) In order to build up local initiative and skilled labour the system of education needs to be overhauled with particular emphasis on vocational education, connected with local conditions incorporating through training of local cadres in management and technical skill (vi) to keep increasing productivity and eliminate drudgery by introducing new and improved tools, (vii) to open up an institute of Himalayan studies which will prepare a programme of social reconstruction after taking into consideration prevailing socio-economic conditions of an area and assess the future potential for development. Apart from the resources that can be taken up for study at this institute, it will also work as a cleaning house of thought and information on Uttarakhand. It will also organise camps and courses for training dedicated cadres who intend to do their bit for the Himalayans. (viii) Reorientation of government machinery is necessary in order to bring developmental schemes into fruition. The administrative structure should be such so as to dispense with bureaucratic dilatoriness and multiplicity. (ix) An inventory of natural resources be made through ICAR so that it could be known what is available where, (x) People's participation in programme (PPP) has to be introduced so that the beneficiaries could feel a sense of association. (xi) Hydro-electric power generation needs to be linked up with the irrigation and supply of drinking water. (xii) The local bodies need to be strengthened and their area of jurisdiction defined. (xtii) A new outlook needs to be taken for the functioning of forest and PWD department. We have had enough of seminars, committees and conferences;