Guide to

Lawrence R.

for $60 (or $44 for members) from
Environmental Regulation Department
1§th awl M Streets NW., Washington DC

Hie Clean Water Act's Section 404
program regulates the discharge
of dredged or fill materials into the navi-
gable waters of the United States or
their adjacent wetlands. This manual is
to help builders and developers
understand the complexities of the Sec-
404 permit program, their responsi-
bilities under the program, and its impact
on the development community.

The manual, which is divided into 11
chapters, begins with an overview and
description of the program. It then

describes the regulatory the
Army Corps of Engineers to
individual permits, the EPA*s veto
authority* and each State's veto power
via the water quality certification pro-
cess* Some of the most common nation-
wide permits invoK ing minor alterations
to wetland resources are also discussed.
Subsequent chapters cover the relation-
ship between the National Environmen-
tal Policy Act and the Section 404
process, the advance identification pro-
cess, the permit process paperwork flow,
and enforcement. The manual concludes
with practical suggestions for dealing
with the Section 404 process.

Three appendixes include relevant legis-
lation; executive branch documents;
contact information for the EPA head-
quarters and regional offices; and contact
information for the Army Corps of
Engineers headquarters,
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