TOXOPHILUS. INTRODUCTION. |Efpite his promife, fee page 20, Afcham wrote no Englifh work on a great fubject. Writing late in life, his Scholemaster^ he thus defends his choice in the fubjecls of his books: " But, of all kinde of paftimes, fitte for a lentleman, I will, godwilling, in fitter place, more at large, de- clare fullie, in my booke of the Cockpitte : which I do write, to fatiffie fom, I trull, with fom reafon, that be more curious, in marking other mens doinges, than carefull in mendyng their owne faultes. And fom alfo will nedes bufie them felues in merueling, and adding thereunto vnfrendlie taulke, why I, a man of good yeares, and of no ill place, I thanke God and my Prince, do make choife to fpend foch tyme in writyng of trifles, as the fchole of footing, the Cockpitte, and this booke of the firfl Principles of Grammer, rather, than to take fome weightie matter in hand, either of Religion, or Ciuill difcipline. Wife men I know, will well allow of my choife herein: and as for fuch, who haue not witte of them felues, but muft learne of others, to iudge right of mens doynges, let them read that wife Poet Horace in his Arte Poetica, who willeth wifemen to beware, of hie and loftie Titles. For, great fhippes, require coft- lie tackling, and alfo afterward dangerous gouernment: Small boates, be neither verie chargeable in makyng, nor verie oft in great ieoperdie: and yet they cary many tymes, as good and coftlie ware, as greater veffels do. A meane Argument, may eafelie beare, the light burden of a fmall faute, and haue alwaife at hand, a ready excufe for ill handling: And, fome •praife it is, if it fo chaunce, to be better in deede, than a man dare venture to feeme. A hye title, doth charge a man, with the heauie burden, of to great a promife, and therfore fayth Horace verie wittelie, that,