8 Introduction. that Poet was a verie foole, that began hys booke, with a goodlie verfe in deede, but ouer proude a promife. Foriunam Priami cantabo et nolile bellum, And after, as wifelie Quantd rectius hie, qui nil molitur ineptk. &*c. Meening Homer, who, within the compaffe of a fmal Argument, of one harlot, and of one good wife, did vtter fo moch learning in all kinde of fciences, as, by the iudgement of Quintilian, he defer aeth fo hie a praife, that no man yet deferued to fit in the fecond degreebeneth him, And thus moch out of my way, con- cerning my purpofe in fpending penne, and paper, and tyme, vpon trifles, and namelie to auniwere fome, that haue neither witte nor learning, to do any thyng them felues, neither will nor honeilie, to fay well of other" * Certain it is, that in both Toxophilus and The Schole- mafler (the Cockpitte if ever printed, is now loft); not only are the main arguments interwoven with a moft earneft- moral purpofe; but they are enlivened by frequent and charming difcuriions, in the which he often lays down great principles, or illuftrates them from the circumflances of his time. So that in thefe two ways, thefe works, being not rigidly confined to the technical fubjedls expreffed by their titles, do ' beare,' both in thofe fubjec\s and in the pairing thoughts, much of what is the highell truth. If a Yorkshire man—who had become a ripe Englifh Scholer, and was alfo a fluent Englifh writer as well as converfant with other languages and literatures—were, in the prefent day, to fit down to write, for the firft time, in the defence and praife of Cricket, a book in the Yorkfhire dialect: he would be able to appreciate fomewhat Afcham's petition when he began to write the prefent work. For he lived in the very dawn of our modern learning. Not to fpeak of the hefitation and doubt that always impedes any novelty, the abfence of any antecedent literature left him without any model of ftyle. Accuftomed as he had hitherto been to write* chiefly in Latin, he mud have found Engliih compofi- tion both irkfome and laborious. Yet his love for his * folios 20. ST. Fxl. too.