* To (he mofte gracioitfe, and our moft drad Souciaignc lord^ Kyng Henrie the. viii^ by the grace of God^ kyng of Englande, Fraunce and Irelande^ Defen der of the fay the ^ and of the churche of Englande and alfo of Irelande in earth fupreme head, next vn der Chrift, be al health and fe- licitic. |HAT tyme as, mofte gracious Prince, your highnes this lafl year paft, toolce that your mooft honorable and vidtorious iourney into Fraunce, accompanied with fuch a porte of the Nobilitie and yeomanrie of Englande, as neyther hath bene lyke knowen by ex- perience, nor yet red of in Hiflorie : accompanied alfo with the daylie prayers, good hartes, and vvilles of all and euery one your graces fubiectes, lefte behinde you here at home in Englande: the fame tyme, I beinge at my booke in Cambrige, forie that my litle habilitie could flretche out no better, to helpe forward fo noble an enterprice, yet with my good vvylle, prayer, and harte, nothinge behynde hym that was formofle of all, conceyued a wonderful defire, bi the praier, wifhing, talking, and communication that was in euery mans mouth, for your Graces mooft vidlorioufe retourne, to offer vp fumthinge, at your home cumming to your Highneife, which Sruld both be a token of mi loue and deutie toward your Maieftie, and alfo a figne of my good minde and zeale towarde mi countrie. This occafion geuen to me at that time, caufed me * This dedication Is entirely omitted in second edition, 1^71.