TO ALL GENTLE MEN AND YOMEN OF ENGLANDE. jlas the wyfe man caine to Crefus the ryche kyng, on a tyme, when he was makynge newe fhyppes, purpofyng to haue fubdued by water the out yles lying betwixt Grece and Afia minor: What newes now in Grece, faith the king to Bias ? None other newes, but thefe, fayeth Bias : that the yles of Grece haue prepared a wonderful companye of horfemen, to ouerrun Lydia withall. There is nothyng vnder heauen, fayth the kynge, that I woulde fo foone wiffhe, as that they durfl be fo bolde, to mete vs on the lande with horfe. And thinke you fayeth Bias, that there is anye thyng which they wolde fooner wyffhe, then that you fhulde be fo fonde, to mete them on the water with fhyppes ? And fo Crefus heaiyng not the true newes, but per- ceyuyng the wife mannes mynde and counfell, both gaue then ouer makyng of his fhyppes, and left alfo behynde him a wonderful example for all commune wealthes to folowe: that is euermore to regarde and fet moft by that thing wherevnto nature hath made them moofl apt, and vfe hath made them moofl fitte. By this matter I meane the fhotypg in the long bowe, for Enghfh men : which thyng with all my hert I do wyfh, and if I were of authoritie, I wolde counfel all the gentlemen and yomen of Englande, not to chaunge it with any other thyng, how good foeuer it feme to be: but that flyll, accordyng to the oulde wont of England, youth fhoulde vfe it for the moofl honefl paflyme in peace, that men myght handle it as a moofle fure weapon in warre. Other flronge weapons which e bothe experience doth proue to be good, and the*