17 \\yfdom of the kinges Maieflie and his counfel prouydes to be had, are not ordeyned to take away fhotyng : but yat both, not compared togither, whether fhuld be better then the other, but fo ioyned togither that the one fhoulde be alwayes an ayde and helpe for the other, myght fo flrengthen the Realme on all fydes, that no kynde of enemy in any kynde of weapon, myght paffe and go beyonde vs. For this purpofe I, partelye prouoked by the counfell of fome gentlemen, partly moued by the loue whiche I haue alwayes borne towarde fhotyng, haue wrytten this lytle treatife, wherein if I haue not fatiffyed any man, I truft he wyll the rather be content with my doyng, bycaufe I am (I fuppofe) the firfle, whiche hath fayde any thynge in this matter (and fewe begynnynges be perfect, fayth wyfe men) And alfo bycaufe yf I haue fayed a miffe, I am content that any man amende it, or yf I haue fayd to lytle, any man that wyl to adde what hym pleafeth to it. My minde is, in profitynge and pleafynge euery man, to hurte or difpleafe no man, intendyng none other purpofe, but that youthe myght be flyrred to labour, honeft paftyme, and vertue, and as much as laye in me, plucked from ydlenes, vnthriftie games, and vice: whyche thing I haue laboured onlye in this booke, fhewynge howe fit fhootyng is for all kyndes of men, howe honeft a paflyme for the mynde, howe holfome an exercife for the bodye, not vile for great men to vfe, not cofllye for poore men to fufleyne, not lurking in holes and corners for ill men at theyr pleafure, to mifvfe it, but abiding in the open fight and face of the worlde, for good men if it fault by theyr wifdome to correct it. And here I woulde defire all gentlemen and yomen, to vfe this paftime in fuche a mean, that the outragious- nes of great gamyng, fhuld not hurte the honeflie of fhotyng, which of his owne nature is alwayes ioyned with honeftie: yet for mennes faultes oftentymes blamed vvnworthely, as all good thynges haue ben, and euer- more fhall be.