18 If any man woulde ,blame me, eyther for takynge fuch a matter in hande, or els for writing it in the Englyfhe tongue, this anfwere I may make hym, that whan the befle of the realme thinke it honeft for them to vfe, I one of the meanefl forte, ought not to fuppofe it vile for me to write : And though to haue written it in an other tonge, had bene bothe more profitable for my ftudy, and alfo more honefl for my name, yet I can thinke my labour wel beftowed, yf with a little hyn- deraunce of my profyt and name, maye come any fourtheraunce, to the pleafure or commoditie, of the gentlemen and yeomen of Englande, for whofe fake I tooke this matter in hande. And as for ye Latin or greke tonge, euery thing is fo excellently done in them, that none can do better : In the Englyfh tonge contrary, euery thinge in a maner fo meanly, bothe for the matter and handelynge, that no man can do worfe. For therein the leaft learned for the mofte parte, haue ben alwayes mooil redye to wryte And they whiche had leafte hope in latin, haue bene mofte boulde in englyfhe : when furelye euery man that is mofle ready to taulke, is not mooft able to wryte. He that wyll wryte well in any tongue, mufLe folowe thys councel of Ariflotle, to fpeake as the common people do, to thinke as wife men do; and fo Ihoulde euery man vnderftande hym, and the iudgement of wyfe men alowe hym. Many Englilh writers haue not done fo, but vfmge ftraunge wordes as latin, french and Italian, do make all thinges darke and harde. Ones I communed with a man whiche reafoned the englyfhe tongue to be enryched and encreafed therby, fayinge: Who wyll not prayfe that feafte, where a man mall drinke at a diner, bothe wyne, ale and beere ? Truely quod I, they be all good, euery one taken by hym felfe alone, but if you putte Maluefye and facke, read wyne and white, ale and beere, and al in one pot, you mall make a drynke, neyther eafie to be knowen, nor yet holfom for the bodye. Cicero in folowyng Ifocrates, Plato^ and Demofthenes, increafed the latine tounge after an