19 other forte. This waye, bycaufe dyuers men yat write, do not know, they can neyther folowe it, bycaufe of theyr ignorauncie, nor yet will prayfe it, for verye arrogauncie, ii faultes, feldome the one out of the others companye. Englyfh writers by diuerfitie of tyme, haue taken diuerfe matters in hande. In our fathers tyme nothing was red, but bookes of fayned cheualrie, wherein a man by redinge, fhuld be led to none other ende, but onely to manslaughter and baud rye. Yf any man fup- pofe they were good ynough to paffe the time with al, he is deceyued. For furelye vayne woordes doo woorke no fmal thinge in vayne, ignoraunt, and younge mindes, fpecially yf they be gyuen any thynge thervnto of theyr owne nature. Thefe bokes (as I haue heard fay) were made the mofte parte in Abbayes, and Monafleries, a very lickely and fit fruite of fuche an ydle and blynde kinde of lyuynge. In our tyme nowe, whan euery manne is gyuen to knowe muche rather than to Hue wel, very many do write, but after fuche a fafhion, as very many do fhoote. Some (hooters take in hande flronger bowes, than they be able to mayntayne. This thyng maketh them fummtyme, to outfhoote the marke, fummtyme to fhote far wyde, and perchaunce hurte fumme that looke on. Other that neuer learned to mote, nor yet knoweth good fhafte nor bowe, wyll be as bufie as the beft, but fuche one commonly plucketh doune a fyde, and crafty archers which be agaynfl him, will be bothe glad of hym, and alfo euer ready to laye and bet with him: it were better for fuche one to fit doune than mote. Other there be, whiche haue verye good bowe and fhaftes, and good knowledge in fhootinge, but they haue bene brought vp in fuche euyl fauoured fhootynge, that they can neyther fhoote fayre, nor yet nere. Yf any man wyll applye thefe thynges togyther, fhal not fe the one farre differ from the other. ~- And I alfo amonges all other, in writinge this lytle treatife, haue folowed fumme yonge fhooters, whiche