21 poynte for the perfiter vfing of it: bicaufe the one knoweth like a fietcher how to make it, the other knowethlyke an archer howe to vfe it. And feyng the knowlege is one in them bothe, yet the ende diuerfe, furely that fletcher is an enemye to archers and artil- lery, whiche can not be content that an archer knowe a fliafte as well for his vfe in fhotynge, as he hym felfe flioulde knowe a fliafte, for hys aduauntage in fellynge. And the rather bycaufe fhaftes be not made fo muche to be folde, but chefely to be vfed. And feynge that vfe and occupiyng is the ende why a fliafte is made, the making as it were a meane for occupying, furely the knowelege in euery poynte of a good ihafte, is more to be required in a fhooter than a fletcher. Yet as I fayde before no honefl fletcher will be angry with me, feinge I do not teache howe to make a fliafte whichebelongeth onelyeto a good fletcher, but to knowe and handle a fliafte, which belongeth to an archer. And this lytle booke I trufte, Ihall pleafe and profite both partes: For good bowes and fhaftes fhall be better knowen to the commoditieof al fhoters,andgoodfliotyng may perchaunce be the more occupied to the profite of all bowyers and fletchers. And thus I praye God that all fletchers getting theyr lyuynge truly, and al ar- ea, ers vfynge fhootynge honeftly, and all maner of men that fauour artillery, may lyue continuallye in healthe and merineffe, obeying theyr prince as they fhulde, and louing God as they ought, to whom for al thinges be al ho- nour and glorye for