26 H0x* In dede as it chaunced, my mynde went fafler then my feete, for I happened here to reade in Phedro /Yo^mr, aplace that entretes wonderfullie of the nature of foules. which place (whether it were for _ i ' , r ^ « ^. . . In Phedro. the paffynge eloquence of Plato, and the Greke tongue, or for the hyghe and godlie defcription of the matter, kept my mynde fo occupied, that it had no leifure to loke to my feete. For I was reding howe fome foules being well fethered, flewe alwayes about heauen and heauenlie matters, other fome hauinge their fethers mowted awaye, and droupinge, fanke downe into earthlie thinges. ;}|fju I remembre the place verie wel, and it is won- derfullie fayd of Plato, and now I fe it was no maruell though your fete fayled you, feing your minde flewe fo fafl. 2E0X. I am gladde now that you letted me, for my head akes with loking on it, and bycaufe you tell me fo, I am verye forie yat I was not with thofe good feloes you fpake vpon, for it is a verie faire day for a man to mote in. pfjL And me thinke you were a great dele better occupied and in better companie, for it is a very faire daye for a man to go to his boke in. &0x. Al dayes and wethers wil ferue for that par- pole, and furelie this occafion was ill loft. 3PJjf* Yea but clere wether maketh clere mindes, and it is beft as I fuppofe, to fpend ye beft time vpon the beft thinges : And me thought you mot verie wel, and at that marke, at which euery good fcoler moulde mofte bufilie mote at. And I fuppofe it be a great dele more pleafure alfo, to fe a foule flye in Plato, then a mafte flye at the prickes. I graunte you, fhoting is not the worft thing in the world, yet if we fliote, and time mote, we ar[e] not like to be great win-ners at the length. And you know alfo we fcholers haue more erneft and weightie matters in hand, nor we be not borne to paftime and pley, as you know wel ynough who fayth. x, Yet the fame man in the fame place Philokge,